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Protoplast of two mustard cultivars: Brassica juncea var. tsatsi cv. “Quxian Jiaoercai” and “Bangbangcai”, were isolated by enzymolysis from leaf grown in vitro. Protoplasts were suspended in liquid medium and semi-solidified medium with 0.35% low melting point agarose which formed a thin layer floating on the surface of the liquid medium. The first division appeared after 48h in the culture. One week after the original culture, a diluted medium with gradual dicrease of mannitol concentrations (6%→4%→zero) was then added to the culture three times respectively at one week's interval. In this culture method cell division and formation of microcalli were achieved. During the liquid culture of protoplasts, shaking at 20 rpm from time to time was beneficial in the formation of cell colonies and microcalli. Cell colonies developed into calli of approx 0.5—1mm in diameter one month after culture. The plating efficiency, which defined as the percentage of microcatli to numbers of protoplasts, was 0.2%—1%. Shoot regeneration occured when leaf protoplast-derived calli of “Quxian Jiaoercai” were transferred onto the modified MS medium supplemented with BAP 2.0mg/L, KT 1.0mg/L and NAA 0.2mg/L, and those of -'Bangbangcai" were transferred onto the modified MS medium supplemented with BAP 2.0mg/L. Individual shoot was rooted on a rooting medium supplemented with NAA 0.2 or 0.4 mg/L.  相似文献   
Protoplasts from mustard seedling cotyledons were suspended in Nitsch medium and cultured at 26℃ under low intensity illumination. When colonies were observed in the cultures, fresh medium (3% sucrose replaced mannitol) was added by equalvolume. When protoplasts developed into small callus the cultures were transfered to modified MS agar medium, in which some of them produced roots while an others gave rise to green spots. Shoot-differentiation experiment is in progress.  相似文献   
Psathyrostachys juncea (2n = 2x = 14, NN), a source of barley yellow dwarf (BYDV) virus resistance with tolerance to drought and salinity, has been successfully hybridized in its autotetraploid form (2n = 4x = 28, NNNN) as the pollen parent to durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.). The 2n = 4x = 28 (ABNN) F1 hybrid has a mean meiotic metaphase-I configuration of 20.29 univalents + 0.29 ring bivalents + 3.36 rod bivalents + 0.14 trivalents. Spike length, internode length, glume awn length and lemma awn length, as well as the general spike morphology of the F1 hybrid, are intermediate with those of the two parents. Pollinating the ABNN F1 hybrid has given backcross (BC)-I derivatives of an amphiploid (AABBNN) that expresses limited self-fertility. BC-2 derivatives have been obtained from these plants. Direct transfers of useful genes from Ps. juncea to wheat would require substantial genetic manipulation strategies. Both conventional and novel methodologies, which may complement each other, and so facilitate reaching an agricultural objective end point, are addressed.  相似文献   
利用113份芥菜型油菜,运用典范相关分析方法,对西藏及周边地区芥菜型油菜的产量性状、主茎性状、分枝性状、角果性状等4组性状间的典范相关关系进行了比较研究。结果表明:(1)所研究的18个性状中,西藏芥菜型油菜的均值为周边地区芥菜型油菜的1.88倍,总体变异系数比周边省份芥菜型油菜高10.22%;(2)西藏芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株角果数和千粒重,而周边省份芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株有效角果数,中国周边国家芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株有效角果数、千粒重;(3)影响西藏芥菜型油菜产量性状最重要的因素是角果性状,其次是分枝性状和主茎性状,而影响周边省份和中国周边国家芥菜型油菜产量性状最重要的因素则是主茎性状,其次是分枝性状和角果性状;(4)西藏芥菜型油菜4组性状间极显著或显著相关的典型变量累计有9对性状,周边省份芥菜型油菜有8对性状,中国周边国家芥菜型油菜有5对性状,西藏与周边省份和中国周边国家芥菜型油菜生态性状间既有密切联系,亦略不同。  相似文献   
The potential for phytoremediation and phytostabilization of lithium in lieu with vanadium and chromium on a formulated acidic heterogeneous growth media engineered around lithium mine tailings, was investigated in four phases: (1) overall efficiency of the removal of the three metals, (2) bioaccumulation ratios of the three metals, (3) overall relative growth rate, and (4) translocation index of the three metals in the physiology of the hyperaccumulator plant. A pot study was conducted to assess the suitability of Brassica juncea (Indian mustard) in a phytoremediation process whereby it was lingered for eighty-six days under homogeneous growth conditions and irrigated bidaily with organic fertilizer amended with LiCl. A post harvest data analysis was achieved through ashing and the implementation of cold digestion procedure in a concentrated hydrochloric acidic matrix. In physiological efficiency parameters, the hyperaccumulator plant was twice as able to phytostabilize chromium and four times was able to phytostabilize vanadium in comparison to lithium. Moreover, it was extremely efficient in translocating and accumulating lithium inside its upper physiological sites, more so than chromium and vanadium, thereby demonstrating Indian mustard, as a hyperaccumulator plant, for phytoextraction and phytostabilization in an acidic heterogeneous rhizosphere, with an extremely low relative growth rate.  相似文献   
华山新麦草胚和胚乳的发育研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
王丽  赵桂仿 《西北植物学报》2002,22(4):T005-T006
采用常规石蜡切片法,观察了华山新麦草胚和胚乳的发育过程,结果表明,华山新麦草胚和胚乳的发育过程与一般禾本科植物基本相同,胚胎发生属紫宛型,顶细胞和基都参与胚体的形成,胚胎发育经过二细胞原胚,多细胞原胚,球形原胚,梨形原胚,分化胚和成熟胚阶段,成熟胚具有胚根,胚芽,盾片,胚牙鞘,胚根鞘,外胚叶等典型禾本科植物成熟胚的结构,胚乳发育类型为核型,包括游离核阶段,细胞化阶段和生长成熟阶段,待大量游离核形成之后才形成细胞壁,紧贴胚囊的一层胚乳细胞最后形成种子的糊粉层,其余的胚乳细胞最后充满淀粉粒,其特点为:(1)有双球形原胚的现象;(2)反足细胞解体较早;(3)胚乳游离核时期和细胞时期胚乳细胞核的核仁多样。  相似文献   
模拟华山新麦草野生土壤生境特点,分别采用聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)、钙(CaCl2)以及二者混合液3种方式浸种,研究PEG-6000和Ca2+浸种对华山新麦草种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:3种处理下华山新麦草的种子发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均无显著变化;但PEG-6000浸种后,华山新麦草幼苗可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量增加,蛋白酶、SOD和POD活性增强;CaCl2浸种后,华山新麦草幼苗可溶性糖含量增加,蛋白酶、SOD和CAT活性增强,淀粉酶活性降低;而PEG-6000和CaCl2混合液浸种后,华山新麦草幼苗可溶性糖含量下降,SOD活性降低,华山新麦草生长受阻.据此推测华山干旱和钙离子含量高的生境特点可能是华山新麦草种群濒危的原因之一.  相似文献   
Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) is characterized by large number of broad oblong shaped leaves in the lower layers. Our earlier studies have shown that removal of these shaded lower leaves on mustard plant axis enhanced growth, photosynthetic capacity and yield of the crop. We now present evidence that soil-applied nitrogen (N) at pre- or post-flowering stage following defoliation of lower leaves influences plant growth, photosynthesis and assimilation balance. Following defoliation at pre-flowering, i.e. 40 d after sowing (DAS) and N applied at the rate of 100 kg ha−1 at the time of sowing and 50 kg ha−1 at post-flowering (60 DAS) enhanced the characteristics maximally. The defoliation treatment together with N combinations and the time of its application, N at 150 kg ha−1 applied as single dose at the time of sowing or N applied in split; 100 kg ha−1 at the time of sowing and 50 kg ha−1 at 40 DAS or 75 kg ha−1 at the time of sowing or 75 kg ha−1 at pre- or post-flowering time proved less effective. The plants which were not defoliated and received 75 kg N ha−1 at the time of sowing and 75 kg ha−1 at 60 DAS showed lowest values. Furthermore, N assimilation was more efficient in plants following defoliation at 40 DAS. The results suggest that split N application (100 kg ha−1 at sowing and 50 kg ha−1 at post-flowering) enhances substantially growth, photosynthesis, N assimilation and yield of mustard following defoliation. This management practice could be adopted in mustard culture for increasing seed yield together with minimizing N loss.  相似文献   
芥菜型油菜与白菜正反杂交的胚胎学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用荧光技术对芥菜型油菜(Brassica juncea)与白菜(B.pekinesis)种间正反杂交后花粉萌发和花粉管生长过程进行了观察。结果显示:芥菜型油菜与白菜正交授粉后,花粉在柱头上能正常萌发,多数花粉管沿花柱到达胚珠完成受精,且受精方式有珠孔受精、合点受精和中部受精,少量花粉管生长不正常,出现花粉管顶端膨大扭曲,花粉管分支等异常现象;反交授粉后,花粉在柱头上萌发时柱头乳突细胞产生强烈胼胝质反应,影响花粉管生长,只有少量花粉管通过花柱到达胚珠完成受精。用石蜡切片技术观察了正反杂交后杂种的胚胎发育,正交杂种胚胎发育较早,胚和胚乳生长较正常,杂种胚一般均能发育至成熟;反交杂种胚发育至心型期便不能继续发育,胚乳也停滞在游离核阶段并最终败育。综合分析表明,芥菜型油菜与白菜正反杂交都存在一定程度的受精不亲和性。  相似文献   
影响油菜下胚轴外植体芽高频率再生的因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以芥菜型油菜DB3 的下胚轴为外植体 ,分析了苗龄、激素、AgNO3 对油菜外植体的高频率再生的影响。结果发现 ,3~ 5d的苗用于诱导愈伤组织较佳 ,6 BA 1 .5mg/L +NAA 0 .1mg/L的组合对下胚轴芽的分化较好 ,AgNO3 可提高下胚轴芽的分化率  相似文献   
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